How to get ready for what comes next? 3 Rules of “New Normal”
The most important and burning question of these days… What is next?
The bad news is that nobody knows what is next. But Good News is that we can create it from unknown.
But how?
For human beings, the most difficult thing is to live in uncertainty. We prefer either to live with past memories or to predict the future based on our experiences. However, these days don’t give us a chance to do proper predictions neither personally nor professionally.
The thing is nothing will be the same as before. People’s behavior changed, the way of learning, working, and interaction changed. Some old habits died. The current situation increased emergency and did not give us a time and chance to be prepared. So, we face the difficult reality of “New Normal” and “What is Next”.
In order to prepare ourselves for “Next”, we should identify opportunities Now, align process and find quick wins for Next and create a sustainable process for Beyond.
How can we do it?
The fact is that COVID-19 changed all priorities rapidly, invalidated working rules dramatically, and set some new rules. In the “New Normal”, we should not wait for a cause and then see the effect of it. We should cause the effect. Following the new rules of the post-pandemic world, we can stay ahead and shape our future.
Rules of New Normal
Start Small. Start Now. Act Now
Small steps matter.
“If you can’t do a great thing, do small things in a great way”.
There is no time to wait for motivation, inspiration, and perfect time. This will never come. By starting small, you can step by step build on it, adjust easily as well as prevent big failures.
Skills are important... But mindset beats skillset.
The good thing is that mindset is not fixed and we can change it. To change our mindset is not one-day work. This is a lifelong action- like a daily exercise that requires dedication and discipline. This is a muscle which we should train regularly, daily. And it is never late to start. Start now by taking action to find your passion and purpose.
As Albert Einstein said,
“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”
Be curious, learn something new every day, be open, make a “change mindset” constant, and know that nothing beats passion...
Progress beats perfectionism.
One of the most common reason of procrastination is perfectionism. The perfect does not exist and we don’t have time to wait for perfect. “New normal” and “Next” require agility, quick decision-making, learning by doing, and using. Now, progress is a real motivator.
Yes, we are facing new normal, and due to uncertainty is not an easy period for many of us. We don’t have control over the situation but we can change our view on it.
We don’t need back to normal, we should look forward to New Normal. The future is not old normal, the future is what we create and shape. The world needs people who have courage to create our “Next” from unknown more than ever.